Sirkeci Railway Station is the last station for the trains of Europe. Find in Google Earth Sirkeci Railway Station is the last station for the trains of Europe. It is started in 1888 by German architect Jahmund and finished in 1990. It was considered that İstanbul was the point where Europe end and Asia is starting. So this building is mix of eclectic and orientalist way. Stained glasses are looks very beautiful if you can see them with a proper light. On the front of building , stones taken from Marseille, Arden was used. There is a museum inside the station. Famous Orient Express, arrived in 1895, no longer exists but Orient Restaurant.
Front view
Old locomotive
Old locomotive
Outside look
Orient Restaurant and Clock Towers
Waiting room entrance
Information desk and ticket window
Suburb trains entrance
Suburb trains station
Train museum
Train museum
Train museum
Train museum
Train museum
Waiting room
Waiting room
Waiting room
Waiting room cafe
Waiting room cafe